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Inside The Nannas: Debut Season

Nannas Home - Season 1: The Coach's P.O.V

A lot of fans contact the Nannas and ask us about teamwork. How does the Nannas maintain such a harmonious team? What keeps the Nannas together through the relentless week-in week-out grind of Indoor Soccer Competition? What methods of contact are employed to communicate often esoteric ideas and concepts, on an extensive range of subjects, to a broad spectrum of men, in order that all Nannas are equally well versed in the constantly permeating definintion of what it is to 'be' a Nanna? Well a big part of the answer to all these questions is electronic-mail [or to use the colloquial e-mail].

In a rare insight to the mechanics of an elite sporting team, The Nannas have released the coach's personal e-mail missives to the team from selected weeks during The Nanna's first season. From the breathtaking highs to the dizzying lows, these intimate verbatim* transcripts cover the heartfelt personal pleas, the moments of glory, the darkness of despair, the new shoes, the hat-tricks, the purple faces, the interior machinations in the quest for the ultimate Nanna glory [The Quest To Be Striker], and of course the original appearance of some classic Nanna songs.

Starting after the first win, with a letter to the shady foriegn based 'owner'[?] of the Nannas Pete 'Pedro' Circuitt, outlining the teams prospects, the chronologicly based transcript closely follows the Nannas to their first Grand Final in their debut season. This direct-line into the mind of a leader of Nannas provides excellent reading for even those with only a moderate interest in The Nannas

*personal email adress have been supressed in the interests of privacy

Go Directly to a week using using the following links:

The Mighty Fighting Nannas - the mighty fighting nannas - first came the test by treachery, and the Mighty Fighting Nannas were equal to the task - mid season slump - Top o' the Ladder Nanna's - Second Half Slump - Will of Iron/Nerves of Steel/Testicles of Titanium/The Hard Brown Men of the Nannas - Nannas its up to you now - Nannas News Flash - News Flash Errata - AAARRRGGGGHHHH ~ CHARGE ! - ALRIGHT NANNAS - More Disney by the Day